Augmentations and Enhancements

Jett is a doctor as she is a skilled 'Ripperdoc' (Includes cyberwar, aether, magitek, Materia, Sharlayan, and Allagan) For the right price she can work on and individual and values her customers. Amongst being a black market trader. This is her main source of income and always has the best on the Market. If a character is looking for an upgrade or other means. This includes Prosthetics and more? She can provide the means to help. This also means she can act as a doctor as well and can treat or perform surgeries on and off the field. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential plot lines regarding this for your character. Please refer to the OOC tab in her profile. If you don't see an ehancement or augmentation in the list. Feel free to DM me and we can see if we can figure something out! (Some of this is lore bend but we try our best to make it fit.)

Frontal Cortex

Part of the brain that derives from memory, attention, judgment and other vital functions. Enhancements designed to the brain can alter the way one processes, thinks and reacts. If one is looking for an edge or a gain in the field with their mind and compacities of their augmentations. Frontal Cortex is a good way to go.

Ocular System

Ocular consists of the visual and eye enhancements of an individual. Advancements can alter ones vision whether through aether or reading tech or scans. A limitless possibility for this enhancement. Not to mention when using materia or other tech. Perception is increased against all odds.

Circulatory Cortex

Circular system enhancements can improve the flow of blood or aether around the body. This includes way to actively regenerate oneself for a short time or other advantages including stamina.

Immune System

Immune system complies the network of organs, cells and proteins within the body. This includes fighting off sickness, diseases, or poisons. One can even alter their resistances to specific elementals should they desire or resistance in general.

Nervous System

Nervous system is the powerhouse that is maid up of the brain and spinal. The nerves branch off to the body and control pain and other sensations. Looking for an augmentation to your sex, fight, or more? A great first augmentation that also enhances ones perception and timing. Reflex can be important on the field as sensation in the sheets.

Integumentary System

The largest organ of the body that provides a seperation between the external and internal. This includes Epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, glands, hair and nails. Are you looking for extra armor or 'chrome' underneath that skin? A little bulk in your gain and take defense to the next level? How about stopping bleeding after a short time. This may be an upgrade and augmentation you're looking for.

Operating System

The lifeline and interface for your augmentations. Whether using Magitek or allagan augmentations. This can include material you may need a central point that hardwires and helps productivity. For more organic individuals. They're enhancements to aether that can be done. If you're looking for something to work better with the rest of your augmentations. A more cybernetic approach might be best. This includes faster responses and quick handling with your weaponry. Whether sword, staff or in-between.

Skeletal Augmentation

The body's central framework and holder of the precious vital organs. This includes tissue, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Those looking to 'Chrome' up can find boost to their lung capacity for running or swimming, enhancements to their joints for higher jumps or stronger momentum to punches. Even for the smallest individuals they may find themselves augmenting to lift heavier than the average.

Hand Augmentation

Enhancements to hands can provide more vital than they appear. Whether it be cooking, hunting, sowing or behind closed doors. Hand augmentations can prove to be a simple but new sensation to an individual. This includes better usage of weapons, stronger output to your magic or well...A creative assortment of natures.

Arm Augmentation

The follow-up and king to your hands. Arm augmentations can provide a wealth of opportunity. Hidden blades, small tranquilizers or aether boosters. Mayhaps your looking to strength them to hit brick without hurting yourself? These are a serious upgrade and should be considered carefully. Whether it be through material, aether, or cybernetics.

Leg Augmentation

The trunks of our body. Enhancements made to your legs can help in everyday use or on the field. This includes furthering your jumping height, making your footsteps silent or providing a powerful kick to your foes. A perfect enhancement for sporty individuals or the silent killer type.